Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Krewe of Mid-City?

The Krewe of Mid-City is a men’s organization that parades on the Sunday before Mardi Gras Day each year. The Krewe of Mid-City is the 5th oldest continuously parading organization of the New Orleans Mardi Gras season and often named “The best day parade in Mardi Gras.”

How Many Members are in the Krewe?

The Krewe of Mid-City is comprised of roughly 200 members.

When and Where is the Krewe of Mid-City Parade?

View our Parade Route Page.

What Activities Does the Krewe of Mid-City Host?

In addition to our day parade, the Krewe of Mid-City hosts various functions throughout the year. Most notably held the Friday before the Sunday parade, a Bal Masque event takes place where the royal court is presented in a performance that takes you through a fairytale experience during the times of kings and queens — bringing the Mardi Gras theme to life.

What is the Cost to Join?

The annual cost of membership is $475. Please visit our membership page for the latest information on annual dues and packages.

How do I Join?

Great question! Joining the Krewe of Mid-City is easy. Simply visit our membership page to get started.

Questions or Comments?

Please message us at